Counterize plugin for WordPress

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Counterize plugin for WordPress


Counterize is a counter and statistics plugin for WordPress that doesn’t use external libraries. Download Counterize!


There has been some reports that Counterize does not work well with WordPress 4.x currently. As we do not plan to update the plugin anytime soon, we advise to use another statistics plugin.


  • Hourly, daily, weekly and monthly traffic stats
  • Popular pages and posts stats
  • IP addresses stats
  • Countries stats
  • Referrers stats
  • Accurate browsers stats (browser name and version)
  • Accurate operating system stats (operating system name, version and platform)
  • Keywords stats
  • Powerful history with filters let you find precisely what you’re looking for
  • Email reports
  • Integration in the WordPress toolbar
  • No flash, no external library needed
  • Extensible thanks to WordPress actions and filters
  • Dashboard widget for a quick overview of your blog statistics
  • Complete API to use the data of Counterize charts as you like
  • An administration interface using the new WordPress Settings API is available, as well as a dashboard with detailed informations and statistics
  • The users that are authorized to display the Counterize dashboard can be defined using WordPress capabilities
  • It can display statistics in your pages and posts (visit this webpage for a demo)

Version 3 of Counterize is doing its best to be compatible with the latest release of WordPress, but this is still a work-in-progress. Feel free to report any incompatibility! Also, please note that Counterize is only guaranteed to work correctly on the latest version of WordPress.

You are welcome to propose your translation for Counterize, please follow this guide. I am not a native English speaker, so your help for a better English translation would be appreciated as well.

Here is a very short demo of what Counterize can do:

[counterize type=”os” items=”3″ subitems=”5″ collapsible=”yes” header=”Top 3 operating systems”]

Counterize is a fork of Counterize II by Steffen Forkmann ( who kindly gave us the permission to continue the development of his plugin. It has since evolved to a more complete and powerful plugin, and almost doesn’t share common code anymore.

Counterize API

After you have installed the Counterize plugin, you can see a lot of diagrams on the Counterize Dashboard page (Dashboard/Counterize).

Most likely you’d like to have a counter somewhere on your pages, showing the number of visitors or similar.
Here’s an overview of the functions which can be used anywhere in your WordPress blog:

Traffic functions

counterize_getamount()                 // Returns the total hits seen by Counterize.
counterize_getpagesamount()            // Returns the total pages/posts views.
counterize_gethitstoday()              // Returns the total hits registered today.
counterize_get_online_users()          // Returns the number of currently online users.
counterize_getlatest7days()            // Returns the total amount of hits from the last 7 days.
counterize_getuniqueamount()           // Returns the total unique IP's that's been seen.
counterize_getfromcurrentip()          // Returns the total hits from the IP that's visiting.
counterize_getuniquehitstoday()        // Returns the number of different IP's registered today.
counterize_gethitstodayfromcurrentip() // Returns the daily hits from the IP that's visiting.
counterize_current_post_hits()         // Get number of hits on current post/page.
counterize_return_first_hit()          // Returns the date of the first registered entry in the database.
$counterize_plugins['traffic']->counterize_get_hits()                     // Output an HTML table with statistics about hits.
$counterize_plugins['traffic']->counterize_feed_daily_stats()             // Get the daily stats data feed.
$counterize_plugins['traffic']->counterize_render_daily_stats()           // Render the daily stats data feed.
$counterize_plugins['traffic']->counterize_feed_monthly_stats()           // Get the monthly stats data feed.
$counterize_plugins['traffic']->counterize_render_monthly_stats()         // Render the monthly stats data feed.
$counterize_plugins['traffic']->counterize_feed_weekly_stats()            // Get the weekly stats data feed.
$counterize_plugins['traffic']->counterize_render_weekly_stats()          // Render the weekly stats data feed.
$counterize_plugins['traffic']->counterize_feed_week_progression_stats()  // Get the progression between the last current week stats data feed.
$counterize_plugins['traffic']->counterize_render_week_progression_stats()// Render the progression between the last current week stats data feed.
$counterize_plugins['traffic']->counterize_feed_hourly_stats()            // Get the hourly stats data feed.
$counterize_plugins['traffic']->counterize_render_hourly_stats()          // Render the hourly stats data feed.

Referrers functions

counterize_getuniquereferers()                                              // Returns the amount of unique referrers that have been recorded.
$counterize_plugins['referers']->counterize_feed_most_seen_referers()       // Gets the most seen referrers data feed.
$counterize_plugins['referers']->counterize_render_most_seen_referers()     // Renders the most seen referrers data feed.
$counterize_plugins['referers']->counterize_feed_most_seen_referers24hrs()  // Gets the most seen referrers data feed for the last 24 hours.
$counterize_plugins['referers']->counterize_render_most_seen_referers24hrs()// Renders the most seen referrers data feed for the last 24 hours.

Pages and Posts functions

counterize_getuniqueURL()                                                 // Returns the amount of unique URL's that have been shown.
$counterize_plugins['pages']->counterize_feed_most_requested_urls()       // Gets the most requested URLs data feed.
$counterize_plugins['pages']->counterize_render_most_requested_urls()     // Renders the most requested URLs data feed.
$counterize_plugins['pages']->counterize_feed_most_requested_urls24hrs()  // Gets the most requested URLs data feed for the last 24 hours.
$counterize_plugins['pages']->counterize_render_most_requested_urls24hrs()// Renders the most requested URLs data feed for the last 24 hours.
$counterize_plugins['pages']->counterize_feed_most_popular_posts()        // Gets the most popular posts/pages data feed.
$counterize_plugins['pages']->counterize_render_most_popular_posts()      // Renders the most popular posts/pages data feed.
$counterize_plugins['pages']->counterize_feed_most_popular_posts24hrs()   // Gets the most popular posts/pages data feed for the last 24 hours.
$counterize_plugins['pages']->counterize_render_most_popular_posts24hrs() // Renders the most popular posts/pages data feed for the last 24 hours.

IP addresses functions

$counterize_plugins['ip']->counterize_feed_most_active_ips()       // Gets the most active IP addresses data feed.
$counterize_plugins['ip']->counterize_render_most_active_ips()     // Renders the most active IP addresses data feed.
$counterize_plugins['ip']->counterize_feed_most_active_ips24hrs()  // Gets the most active IP addresses data feed of the last 24 hours.
$counterize_plugins['ip']->counterize_render_most_active_ips24hrs()// Renders the most active IP addresses data feed of the last 24 hours.

Keywords functions

$counterize_plugins['keywords']->counterize_feed_most_searched_keywords()       // Gets the most searched keywords data feed.
$counterize_plugins['keywords']->counterize_render_most_searched_keywords()     // Renders the most searched keywords data feed.
$counterize_plugins['keywords']->counterize_feed_most_searched_keywords24hrs()  // Gets the most searched keywords data feed for the last 24 hours.
$counterize_plugins['keywords']->counterize_render_most_searched_keywords24hrs()// Renders the most searched keywords data feed for the last 24 hours.

Countries functions

$counterize_plugins['keywords']->counterize_feed_most_visiting_countries()       // Gets the most visiting countries data feed.
$counterize_plugins['keywords']->counterize_render_most_visiting_countries()     // Renders the most visiting countries data feed.
$counterize_plugins['keywords']->counterize_feed_most_visiting_countries24hrs()  // Gets the most visiting countries data feed for the last 24 hours.
$counterize_plugins['keywords']->counterize_render_most_visiting_countries24hrs()// Renders the most visiting countries data feed for the last 24 hours.

Browsers functions

counterize_getuniquebrowsers()                                                         // Returns the amount of unique browser strings that have visited your blog.
$counterize_plugins['browsers']->counterize_feed_most_used_browsers_collapsible()      // Gets the most used browsers data feed with detailed version statistics for each item.
$counterize_plugins['browsers']->counterize_render_most_used_browsers_collapsible()    // Renders the most used browsers data feed with detailed version statistics for each item.
$counterize_plugins['browsers']->counterize_feed_most_used_browsers_without_version()  // Gets the most used browsers without version data feed.
$counterize_plugins['browsers']->counterize_render_most_used_browsers_without_version()// Renders the most used browsers without version data feed.
$counterize_plugins['browsers']->counterize_feed_most_used_browsers()                  // Gets the most used browsers data feed.
$counterize_plugins['browsers']->counterize_render_most_used_browsers()                // Renders the most used browsers data feed.

Operating systems functions

$counterize_plugins['os']->counterize_feed_most_used_os_collapsible()      // Gets the most used os data feed with detailed version statistics for each item.
$counterize_plugins['os']->counterize_render_most_used_os_collapsible()    // Renders the most used os data feed with detailed version statistics for each item.
$counterize_plugins['os']->counterize_feed_most_used_os_without_version()  // Gets the most used os without version data feed.
$counterize_plugins['os']->counterize_render_most_used_os_without_version()// Renders the most used os without version data feed.
$counterize_plugins['os']->counterize_feed_most_used_os()                  // Gets the most used os data feed.
$counterize_plugins['os']->counterize_render_most_used_os()                // Renders the most used os data feed.


  • counterize_show_data : Let plugins show their data into the “Counterize” sub-menu page.
  • counterize_after_includes : Happens right after Counterize included its files.
  • counterize_before_insert_into_database: Let plugins do something just before some data is inserted into the database.
  • counterize_after_insert_into_database : Let plugins do something just after some data is inserted into the database.
  • counterize_init : Let plugins add a hook into Counterize initialization procedure.
  • counterize_before_install : Let plugins do something just before installation.
  • counterize_after_install : Let plugins do something just after installation.


  • counterize_before_includes : Let plugins filter which files are included.
  • counterize_server_remote_addr : Let plugins filter the $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] value.
  • counterize_server_http_user_agent : Let plugins filter the $_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’] value.
  • counterize_server_request_uri : Let plugins filter the $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] value.
  • counterize_server_referer : Let plugins filter the $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’] value.
  • counterize_server_this_url : Let plugins filter the $this_url variable.
  • counterize_bot_array : Let plugins filter the bot array.
  • counterize_check_insert_into_database : Let plugins add their own conditions for determining if data should be inserted into the database.
  • counterize_check_data : let plugins add their own diagrams.
  • counterize_shortcodes : let plugins add their own shortcodes.
  • counterize_dashboard_add_submenu : let plugins add their own sub menu.
  • counterize_mce_js_before_form_filter : let plugins output something before the form of the Counterize modal dialog in the Visual editor.
  • counterize_mce_js_before_fields_filter: let plugins output something before the fields of the Counterize modal dialog in the Visual editor.
  • counterize_mce_js_type_filter : let plugins add more type items in the Counterize modal dialog in the Visual editor.
  • counterize_mce_js_period_filter : let plugins add more period items the Counterize modal dialog in the Visual editor.
  • counterize_mce_js_after_fields_filter : let plugins output something after the fields of the Counterize modal dialog in the Visual editor.
  • counterize_mce_js_after_form_filter : let plugins output something after the form of the Counterize modal dialog in the Visual editor.
  • counterize_mce_js_options_filter : let plugins add/modify attributes and their defaults for the Counterize modal dialog in the Visual editor.
  • counterize_mce_js_radiobutton_filter : let plugins add/modify the list of attributes of type “radio button” for the Counterize modal dialog in the Visual editor.
  • counterize_mce_js_checkbox_filter : let plugins add/modify the list of attributes of type “checkbox” for the Counterize modal dialog in the Visual editor.
  • counterize_report : let plugins output some content in the email reports
  • counterize_report_what_filter : let plugins add some items in the list used to generate email reports


You can insert a Counterize diagram using the Counterize button in your Visual editor. The most basic shortcode is:


This will display a short copyright notice.

All the attributes are optional. The following attributes and their values are currently available:

  • type: String. Valid values are:
    • copyright“: Shows a copyright notice (default value)
    • browsers“: Browsers diagrams
    • os“: Operating systems diagrams
    • countries“: Countries diagrams
    • ip“: IP addresses diagrams
    • hosts“: Host-names diagrams (only available if enabled in the settings)
    • outlinks“: Out-links diagrams
    • exitpages“: Exit pages diagrams
    • keywords“: Keywords diagrams
    • referers“: Referrers diagrams
    • domains“: Domains diagrams
    • hits“: Hits table
    • hourly“: Hourly stats diagrams
    • daily“: Daily stats diagrams
    • weekly“: Weekly stats diagrams
    • monthly“: Monthly stats diagrams
    • all“: All tables and diagrams
  • items: Positive and non-zero integer that represents the number of items to display in the diagram. Default value: 10
  • subitems: Positive and non-zero integer that represents the number of sub-items to display in the diagram. Only effective with collapsible diagrams. Default value: 15
  • version: String. Set to “yes” to display diagrams with version information, “no” otherwise. Only effective with Browsers and OS diagrams. Default value: “yes”
  • collapsible: String. Set to “yes” to display collapsible diagrams with each item containing child items, “no” otherwise. Only effective with Browsers and OS diagrams. Default value: “no”
  • print_header: String. Set to “yes” to display a header above the diagram, “no” otherwise. Default value: “yes”
  • header: String. Set to non-empty string to override the default header. Default value: empty string
  • period: String. Valid values are:
    • (empty string): No period limit (default value)
    • 24h“: Limit data to the latest 24 hours. Available for most diagrams except the Traffic ones
    • onlytoday“: Limit data to today only. Available for Traffic diagrams
    • onlythisweek“: Limit data to this week only. Available for Traffic diagrams
    • onlythismonth“: Limit data to this month only. Available for Traffic diagrams
    • onlythisyear“: Limit data to this year only. Available for Traffic diagrams
  • tn_width: Positive and non-zero integer. Width of the post thumbnail. Default value: 50
  • tn_height: Positive and non-zero integer. Height of the post thumbnail. Default value: 50

Development status

Legend: [status, priority] Description

  • [wip, medium] Make a Counterize widget
  • [10%, low] Add some sorting options (by label for example)
  • [ 0%, medium] Get rid of pre-3.0.0 installation scripts
  • [ 0%, medium] A new installation should have its own installation script (currently upgrading from 1.0.0 to 3.x.x…)
  • [ 0%, low] To be able to resize and move charts in the dashboard (but I consider it not urgent)
  • [ 0%, low] Using the HighCharts library as an alternative fancier display
  • [ 0%, medium] Making a standalone version of Counterize. That would allow to port it to other platforms (Drupal, Magento…).
  • [ 0%, high] Allow wildcard characters support in IP address exclusion list
  • [ 0%, high] Solve time zones problems as many reported it
  • [ 0%, high] Reduce the Counterize footprint on database [BIG JOB AS ALL QUERIES MUST BE RE-WRITTEN]
  • [ 0%, medium] Send daily, weekly or monthly reports by email
  • [ 0%, medium] Better IP exclusion list handling
  • [ 0%, low] Add more function to count unique visitors, in a similar way as hits
  • [ 0%, high] Move some Counterize functions into their respective plugins
  • [ 0%, medium] Add screen size statistics

See Counterize in action

You can see Counterize in action in the bottom of our website pages, and also on this demo page.


Q: I know that I have incoming traffic but  Counterize stats stay at zero. Why?

A: There is probably a problem somewhere, so I will need you to do the following:

  •  Open your wp-config.php file
  • Ensure that WP_DEBUG is set to true. The line should be “define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );”
  • Add the following lines just after:
error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
  • Reload your website in your browser
  • Tell me about any errors, warnings and notices you see, if any
  • If no errors are shown, then you probably do not have incoming traffic…

Q: Why aren’t the IP of my visitors logged?

A: You need to enable the option in the Counterize settings. It is disabled by default. 

Q: How to translate Counterize in my language?

A: Please follow these instructions

Q: Can I extend Counterize?

A: Yes. Counterize is now modularizable and you can add your own Counterize plugin. Counterize also provides several action and filter hooks.

Q: Can Counterize replace Google Analytics?

A: Not yet. But it’s a good addition/alternative. 

Q: What are the minimum requirements to run Counterize?

A: The same requirements than the current stable version of WordPress, so for example PHP 5 is required, but as with each supplementary plugin, it will use more RAM, so take this into account.
Counterize is also known to take a lot of database space in its current version, especially if your website is very visited.

Q: I see an error message like “The script whose uid is 12345 is not allowed to access /var/tmp/” or “Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent“, HELP!

A: Try adding the following 3 lines just after the PHP start tag of your wp-config.php:

if( ! isset( $_SESSION ) )

Also, make sure the session.save_path in your php.ini is set and point to a valid path. Please read this article for more details about this issue.

Q: Do you provide support for Counterize?

A: Sometimes, I can provide BASIC support for free. It mostly depends on my free time, because Counterize is developed on my free time too.
Nobody likes to work for peanuts, so do not expect professional level support for free.
If you need a better support or something is urgent, please contact me to discuss of a price. 

Get Counterize

Download Counterize!

462 Responses

  1. Carsten Giesen says:

    after nearly 5 years of using your tool, 2/3 of my database is used by counterize.
    As I see, there is stored every visit.
    Is there a way to minimize the database but hold the overall statistik information?
    – Total visitor
    – Visitor today

    I didn’t need to know who vistid my blog on 12.09.2006

    But your tool is great


    • Gabriel says:

      Hi Carsten,

      I understand that this is quite annoying, and I agree 100% that old stats should be archived. However this would need an almost complete rewrite of Counterize. Unfortunately I am now working full time on something else, so this is a little unlikely that I release such a rewrite. However nothing is impossible 🙂

      If you don’t mind, you still can flush your database, then you’ll start from scratch and your counters will be reset.

      Best regards,


  2. Marinella says:

    Hi, I am a new user of your plugin. I can\’t seem to put it in my sidebar to display only the \”hits for the last 7 days.\” Please, I hope you could help me with this.

  3. asfae says:

    thx for this good plug-in. when i use the plug-in I saw always one ip loged. it like my host ip address. when I called my hosting they tell me my host is under the proxy, and I saw proxy’s ip into the counterize. I should get real ip from users ip = Request.ServerVariables(“HTTP_CLIENT_IP”) how can i modify this plug-in. thx.

  4. asfae says:

    I solve this problem. If server under any proxy just replace the $_SERVER[\’REMOTE_ADDR\’] to $_SERVER[\’HTTP_CLIENT_IP\’] on counterize.php for get users ip address.

  5. nemoradio says:

    Hi !
    Thanks for this excellent plugin !
    It seems that users exclusions don’t work anymore since last version…

  6. skilisiamera says:

    Thank you for this great plugin. I hope in the future there will be something like a traffic map!

  7. Ryan says:

    Counterize always shows 0 hits in the today category of the traffic section. All the other sections such as last 24 hours seem to work fine. Any idea why this is?

    • It’s a known bug of Counterize, probably related to your timezone being different than the one of your server. I should have fixed it months ago, but I miss some free time…

  8. Ahmet Alpan says:

    something happened and all my counterizeinfo disappeared. is there a way of getting the old data back

  9. Robin says:

    I love this plugin. It’s the result of a huge effort Im sure.
    However I was wondering if I can use it to know the number of clicks on any link in my website (not outbound). thx

    • Sure you can, but you will have to modify the counterize.js file to remove the exclusion of internal links. Although I agree that it would be interesting to have a section for internal links.

  10. leszek says:

    I have a problem with this plugin. I don’t see IP numbers – IP unavailable‬.
    What can I do?

  11. Rachel says:

    Hi, Thanks for your great plugin.

    How do I display Counterize Status on the Dashboard?

    Total: hits and unique.

    Today: hits and unique.

    Currently: users online.

    Many Thanks

  12. Adam says:

    I’ve looked around and can’t find the answer…
    Does Counterize filter spiders/robots for tracking?

  13. Christian says:

    I always get the report twice. Is there a reason for it? Is there a possibility to avoid?

  14. Pritam says:

    Is it possible to put a text line as “You are visitor number xxxx” on the home page of a wordpress site? I am using the counterize plugin in my wordpress site.

  15. Daniele says:

    Hi, thank you for create the plug in it is great.

    It seams that it is not working since the 1st of August.
    Do you know what should I do?
    Thank you

  16. Sigit says:

    This is a great tool. A request: how would you like to remove it’s dependency upon WordPress? So that people can install it separately under a sub-directory on non-WP websites.

    • Removing the WordPress dependency is a long term goal for Counterize, however it would need quite a lot of work. If I do it one day, I would probably rewrite it from scratch and release it as a different product name.

  17. chris says:

    I can see the IP’s of the users viewing my site – since I use this site internal and I know the IPs. can I create a host table that would translate the IP to a hostname? example 163.193.50.x = Station name.

  18. rafael says:

    Does anyone know which file has the part of code that makes the whois look up ?

    For example the current version 3.1.3 Counterize has this lookup code:

    counterize_install.php – line 156 –

    I’m going to change to –

    Because this is the new way to do whois lookup on the old url script is off.

    Hope its helpful, i’m going to try it, maybe a need to reload the script on wp plugins page.

  19. rafael says:

    How do i fix Whois lookup ? I know the correct url script from but I don’t know which file i need to edit.

    Please help. Thanks in advance.

  20. Alvar says:

    Where is the question I posted yesterday??!?!?!

    I installed two days ago the counterize, activated it, on wordpress latest version and I get nothing to see, empty data. There isn’t any instruction readme file, nothing. I don’t know what I have to do with “filter” what that means, no explanations whatsoever.

    • Hi Alvar.

      The question you posted yesterday is in the “Support” page, I didn’t have time to answer it yet.

      I don’t know where you got your version of Counterize but the one that you can download on this website or in the WordPress plugin repository both have a readme file with detailed instructions.

      More, if you click on the “Help” tab in the history, you will get some additional help and explanations about filters.

  21. whocares says:

    this is a useless piece of crap, there are no instructions no information anywhere, nothing works nothing is shown nobody answers here, this is a scam, nothing shows in wordpress, this is a completely useless plugin. to throw an application that doesn’t work on to the internet and then disappear is annoy and pull the leg of everybody. I am uninstalling this crap now

  22. Daphne says:

    Hello. I love this plugin! The only problem is that I use it in a greek blog. That means my keyword stats look something like this:

    ?????????? 15 5%


    Could you possibly do something about it in next releases? Fix it somehow?
    Merci beaucoup!

  23. Herbert says:

    Was genau bedeuten die Farben (rot, gelb, grün) in den Grafiken?
    Ich vermute:
    Rot = Unterdurchnschnitt (0 bis exaktem Durchschnitt ?)
    Gelb = Durchschnitt ( +/- wieviel?)
    Grün = Überdurchschnitt (x % bis …?)
    Warum gibt es zur Grafik keine Legende mit der Farb-Bedeutung?

  24. Tanya says:

    I suddenly stopped to see Dashboard History. Just saw, and after 5 minutes did not see it. Shows the number of pages, but the statistics are not displayed, you can see only the top and bottom table header. Do not put any filters, other administrators see the same thing. Why is it and what to do?

  25. Heather Maggio says:

    My Google Analytics and Counterize numbers are completely different…analytics shows like 40 readers and counterize shows 1200. I don’t understand how counterize works and am worried. Is counterize always accurate and are those 1200 views page views or individual people

  26. Serdar says:

    Hi Gabriel,
    I am using your tool for a while, it is nice easy to use but the problem is that in the most searched keywords section, it does not show me anything with the Turkish characters. It seems that it can not catch any of those characters which simply means all the numbers are wrong/missing.
    Any solution to this issue or anything I should do?

  27. Charlie says:

    Hi Gabriel,

    My stats show about 40% of all traffic to my HOME page and then an even distribution to sub-pages.

    Is it possible to Exclude stat gathering from specific pages like Home or Landing pages?

  28. Dung Nguyen says:

    why counterize: There’s no data in the database – You can’t see stats until you have data.
    But, in mysql data is still.
    Help me, thanks

  29. Phempt says:

    Hello, I’ve a problem with “Most Popular posts/pages” and “Most popular urls”.
    What is the difference between them?

    For example if in “most popular urls” there is a link of a post with score 100, why there is not a record in Most popular posts/pages with that post?

    thanks in advance

  30. Pete Peterson says: suffered a dramatic performance problem during Sept. & Oct., 2012 that our host determined could be fixed by migrating to another server. In the process we lost an old version of the blog and 80% of our traffic. After putting a public counter in the sidebar, we added Counterize for administrative feedback.
    The countries listed as interested made it time to list on Yandex and Baidu. Traffic has picked up since, but now the dominant country per 24 hours has no name and no flag. Since there has been growing traffic from China, I suspect this may reflect visitors sneaking around the Great Firewall. Any other possibilities?

  31. Denis Ruest says:

    Hi… I have an idea to reduce the amount of data (memory) used by your plugin. What you could do is keep in memory only the last 100 visitors and for the rest only keep statistics (vector of all the variables that are incremented at every occurence).
    Write me if you like more clarifications.

    I enjoy using you plugin.

    • Hi, thank you for your suggestion. That would indeed be a better way of handling stats. The way Counterize operate at present is flawed because it will lead to a huge database after some time, and it does’nt scale very well with heavy traffic websites. I should definitely write it from scratch for version 4.

  32. Joakim PH says:

    When trying to exclude IP-numbers in the settings, nothing is saved? Still get hits from that IP, and when I go to settings the exclusion IPs are only the default ones. Any Ideas?

    Other than that I thank for a great tool

  33. lorenzo says:

    Hi, I like this plugin but I need the outgoing links counter feature and it doesn’t work. What should I do? (I activated yet the related sub-plugin)


    Good day sir,

    I found my users under the Select users that may not be counted drop down list see below): – all my users.

    I thought mistakenly that these names are in the counterize database – but alas not

    I tried to delete the names from the list
    why may they not be counted?
    how does this list originate?
    where can one change the user profile SO AS to be counted?
    If they cannot be counted the whole counterize information basis could be wrong


    Counterize excludelist
    IP’s to exclude

    (Enter IP’s seperated with space)
    Select users that may not be counted:

  35. jasper says:

    The mail sent by Counterize has the name Counterize. But other plugins use the same mailadress ( Can i change the name of this account somewhere?

  36. Nova says:

    Hi Gabriel! I’m trying to protect my WP blog against the EU cookie directive thingy. Do you have any information about cookies used by Counterize? Thanks!

  37. Carsten B. says:

    With the update to WP 3.5, Counterize now frequently returns errors that a second parameter in wpdb::prepare() is missing.

    • Carsten B. says:

      When deleting bots manually on the Settings panel, you also get the following errors and nothing else seems to happen:

      Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /my/server/wp-content/plugins/counterize/counterize_admin.php on line 1463 and defined in /my/server/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
      Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /my/server/wp-content/plugins/counterize/counterize_admin.php on line 1464 and defined in /my/server/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
      Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /my/server/wp-content/plugins/counterize/counterize_admin.php on line 1465 and defined in /my/server/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
      Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /my/server/wp-content/plugins/counterize/counterize_admin.php on line 1467 and defined in /my/server/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
      Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /my/server/wp-content/plugins/counterize/counterize_admin.php on line 1468 and defined in /my/server/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
      Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /my/server/wp-content/plugins/counterize/counterize_admin.php on line 1469 and defined in /my/server/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
      Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /my/server/wp-includes/wp-db.php:990) in /my/server/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876

  38. Peter says:

    Hi Gabriel, WP 3.5 seems to have made a mess of your plugin. The exact error message on the stats page is:

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/www/platform/wp-content/plugins/counterize/counterize_plugin_browsers.php on line 281 and defined in /home/www/platform/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990

    Hope this helps. Kind regards, Peter

  39. Farstock says:

    is there other languages available on counterize.
    I instaled it on a persian site but I cant see keywords. it appears like this : ?????

  40. Christian says:

    Great plugin! I always receive te email notification twice. I am using the plugin on 3 different sites and only face tis appearence at one site.

  41. Kristian says:

    I get this warning twice in my admin:
    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /***/wp-content/plugins/counterize/counterize_plugin_keywords.php on line 274 and defined in /***/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990

  42. Marc says:

    Getting this error when I click a filter button.

    Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), counterize.php on line 1065

    This link discusses the problem

    I can change code as required. What should I add for the second argument?

    • Marc says:

      From what I’ve read, it seems like the prepare function was changed for security reasons to require that the argument list for the query be provided as a second argument. From what I can tell everything should still work ok but this warning is issued. To suppress the warning insert the following at the top of your wp-config.php file which will silence the messages.

      @ini_set(‘display_errors’, 0);

  43. Bjoern says:

    Is that really your advise (change the general loglevel)? When do you offer a new version without warnings? Thanks and best regards, Bjoern.

  44. Podv says:

    Hello! I feel this is a very good and helpful plugin.

    Your current version (3.1.3) is compatible only with 3.3.0 – 3.3.2 versions of WOrdPress.

    Could you please share the version compatible with 3.1.3 version of WordPress?

  45. Brendon Couturier says:

    Hello! You have a great plugin. It’s very useful when looking at my unique users and hits on my website. I have one question though:
    Why when I click “Counterize” and “All Stats” and scroll down to where the unique users and today’s visit are does it say (example) 59 but when I hover over the Counterize button on the top left of my website and the Dashboard does it say today’s visit 226? These are totally different numbers. Is there an error in Counterize or is one of them the correct count (at the bottom of All Stats OR when you hover over the Counterize button in the top left of the Dashboard?)

    Thank you!

  46. cyrrano says:

    Hi there,

    i did the update on my site this morning and since then all the filters do not work any more (no results)? What happend? Is this a bug or do I have to change something else? If not, how can I change back to the previous release?

    Thanks and best regards

  47. Cyrrano says:

    Hi Gabriel,

    thanks for fixing it. Works now fine again!

  48. Sharon T. Rose says:

    I’ve used Counterize for over a year on my WP site, and today, all my data is gone. I saw this before I ran the update and after. Where did my data go?

    • Hi Sharon, I don’t know where is your data, sorry for your loss. I believe you are the first to face this issue, so I think there are good odds that the issue is not coming from Counterize.

  49. igor says:

    First, thanks for plugin!

    Second, I am wondering, haven’t found in available documentation, if it is possible to track single IP, mark/label it?
    Bad users for example, bad behavior,…


  50. Igor says:

    Thanks, 4 your answer.

    Well, just to explain a little better myself why it would be nice to have option to mark/label single IP, or multiple IP’s, track it/them when they come on site and track their behavior/page visits, and eventually have an option to receive mail when User X, or users A, B, C come to site.

    Lots of time there aren’t only good users on site, but also bad users, competition who is spying on you, me, whoever, bad people, evil people…., that’s why it would be nice to have an option to mark/label IP’s.
    So at the end you can decide to ban specific user/users, make report to the authorities, easily handle bad practices from competition,…

    Or you can just report that user to his employer, that he is wasting his time and his money for visiting your site…

    If you decide one day to implement this idea to the plugin, keep in mind to leave an option not to delete tracked IP’s when deleting old record or setting max db size.

    all of that is just my point of view and nothing else.
    I know your time is valuable and doing free stuff takes extra time.

    Kind regards

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